Dear Friends,
Our final reunion, held on Saturday, October 19, 2024, was truly a memorable occasion, with many attendees remarking that it was one of the best reunions in years. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who came and contributed to making the day so special.
The event was filled with emotion, as people travelled from as far away as Victoria and Queensland, along with our loyal supporters who would journey anywhere for a reunion. While it’s bittersweet to acknowledge that this marks the end of our reunions, I know that smaller gatherings will still take place among some of our old friends.
One of the highlights of the day was the attendance of Neil, an old boy who joined us for the first time at the age of 91. Neil made the trip from Bathurst to Sydney to Goulburn and return by train, and his stories captivated us all. One memorable tale was about how, during World War II the sisters told him to ring the bell and not stop as they informed him that the war had ended. Though Neil believed he might be the oldest living old boy, I had the pleasure of introducing him to Allan, who, while younger, was part of St John’s in 1939.
So, what lies ahead now that our reunions have concluded? I will continue to manage our website, which needs regular updates and has many photos yet to be scanned. I’ll also continue working to connect people through the database I maintain, alongside inquiries that come in from our site connecting them to the Sisters of Mercy Archives.
It has been a privilege to meet so many fellow old boys and girls and hear their stories of triumph, resilience, and even hardship. Each of our experiences at these institutions has shaped us in unique ways. Personally, I found my time there tough and challenging, but as I grew older, I realised how difficult my home life had been before attending St John’s. Like many of you, I came to see my time at St John’s as a fortunate turning point in my life, a realisation that only deepened with age and understanding.
I also want to extend my gratitude to everyone who has supported me in organising these reunions over the years. A special thanks to the Catholic Weekly and the Goulburn Post for their generous advertising rates, as well as to Maggie and Darryl for welcoming us into their home (St Joseph’s), and to Louise Thrower from the Goulburn Post for her steadfast support throughout the years.
I will miss our gatherings every couple of years, and Bev and I wish you all good health.
Warm regards,
Phil Merrigan
PS. As I find time I will be working on our website so don’t forget to keep an eye on our site: www.stjohnsgoulburn.org